Sunday, September 14, 2008

Upcoming weeks parasha videos

My videos of the upcoming week on youtube

Parashat Ki Tovo-Optimistic future depends on "If"JewU 205

Parashat Netzavim- Free will, JewU 213

Parshat Vayelech
The Bible says "Be strong and of good courage" JewU 218

My youtube videos on the upcoming jewish holidays

Selihote-penitential service prior to Rosh Hashanah JewU 123
Prepare for Rosh Hashanah-Elul JewU 189
Rosh Hashanah Jewish New year JewU 65
High Holiday Bible readings JewU 153
Rabbi stories: shofar, messages, reward JewU 210
Shofar-Ram's horn JewU 94
An Amazing Shofar Ram's Horn Service JewU 233
Repentance-Teshuva in Judaism-Yom Kippur JewU39
How world's smartest person helps with Yom Kippur JewU 163
Yom Kippur Jewish Atonement Day JewU 66
Yom Kippur thoughts 5769 Jewu 433
Biblical Book of Jonah-its meaning JewU 152
Origin of Yizkor memorial service JewU 70
Books referred to in High Holiday sermon JewU 234
Destination High Holidays JewU 188

Monday, September 8, 2008

Youtube videos on Kiteze

Deuteronomy 21-25 Kiteze 1 JewU 195
Deuteronomy 21-25 Kiteze 2 JewU 196